Wednesday 1 August 2012

Time to move things forward

The chance to move the battle over the Work Capability Assessment and Employment and Support Allowance forward seems at hand after both Panorama and Dispatches covered the issue on the 30th July.

Disability is something that can effect anyone and lives can change instantly as both Panorama and Dispatches showed the support just isn't there with help we can change this the more people who stand up and say this isn't right the more the powers that be will take notice.

If you wish to help you can do in many ways the best way is to send a letter to your local MP expressing your feelings about what is happening to disabled people , please include your feelings and how you would like the system to change.

If you do not have the time to contact your MP or you think they will not listen to you please at least look at and think about signing it or  passing the link on to people you think might be interested in signing it.


For contacting MPs:

To watch Panorama or Dispatches
Panorama :
